So I started writing these lists a during last November and just finished them...and have decided to share them with the world. But don't read too much into them, or do. They can be very telling.
For some reason, this weekend I have been thinking in terms of ten...
Ten things I could have done differently, ten things I hate about cell phones, ten things I do not want to do, and ten chick flicks that I love. I decided to share what these would be because this semester has had many...and I mean MANY ups and downs.
Top Ten Things I Could Have Done Differently
1. Decided what I want before I need to act on that decision
2. Never gotten facebook in the first place. It is addicting and bad for me.
3. Not procrastinated till the last minute
4. Kept in touch with some people from my past
5. Gone to bed three hours earlier so I am able to function to morrow morning
6. Cleaned my dishes when I used them...instead of four days later
7. Not messed everything up
8. Not gotten attached to something that couldn't last
9. Started some of my school projects a few weeks earlier
10. Not eaten that last chocolate chip cookie
Top Ten Things I Hate About Cell Phones
1. They are impersonal
2. I can hide behind them so easily
3. They frequently run out of battery(which is very inconvenient)
4. Sometimes they decide to forget about texts you get
5. People think that they can talk to you about serious things over it...which is not cool
6. When I wait for a text from someone, all I can do is wait for it beside my phone. It is attached to me by the hip.
7. Somehow I end up thinking about that said text more than anything else. It is not healthy.
8. Cell phones are just one more thing that you have to make sure is with you at all times. It's inconvenient.
9. Along with being annoying and time-consuming it has to always be updated to the current style and type(which keeps on betting more expensive every day).
10. And last but not least...they take money. Lots and lots of money. They are like the cookie monster...except they eat my dollars instead. They have bottomless stomachs.
Top Ten Things I Do Not Want To Do
1. Confront things that scare me.
2. Get bad grades this semester(which is a very real possibility, btw. Colleve is hard!)
3. Study. Ever.
4. Get less than seven hours of sleep, but it always seems to happen.
5. Worry about classes for next semester
6. Have to worry about money. It is just one more thing to add to the long list.
7. Face the cold wind every morning...or the cold snow for that matter. Ick.
8. Look back on my actions and realize my mistakes.
9. Exercise when I am tired and feeling icky.
10. Eat healthy when I see that ice cream in the freezer. Stupid metabolism!
Top Ten Movies EVER (in no particular order, except the first one)
1. Lord of the Rings
2. Casablanca
3. Pride and Prejudice (A&E version)
4. Mulan
5. Dark Knight
6. Zoolander
7. Batman Begins
8. North and South
9. She's the Man
10. Gladiator
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